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NY é coisa de criança, é coisa de cinema, é pra ver a pé. NY é muito mais...!
Aqui tem restaurante e livraria só para seu filho, sabe onde fica? ...então procure em NY É COISA DE CRIANÇA e você encontra. Tem aquele café charmoso onde Tom Hanks e Meg Ryan se encontravam “naquele filme”, sabe onde fica? ... então procure em NY É COISA DE CINEMA e você encontra. Mas se você quer “aquele” local... Ele só pode estar num lugar - ISTO É NY!!!
Veja, use e me conte.
Voe até lá!

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011

COOPER - HEWITT, National Design Museum em revitalização...

O Museu de Design só irá reabrir no  "Outono de 2013". 

É frustante para quem está com saudade ou queria conhecê-lo, mas, como sempre digo é por uma boa causa que vamos ficar um tempo sem o COOPER-HEWITT!
De qualquer forma vale a vista, se você estiver por perto, já que a lojinha do museu e o "Arthur Ross Terrace and Garden" estão abertos ao púbico!
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution is the only museum in the nation devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. The Museum presents compelling perspectives on the impact of design on daily life through active educational and curatorial programming. It is the mission of Cooper-Hewitt’s staff and Board of Trustees to advance the public understanding of design across the twenty-four centuries of human creativity represented by the Museum’s collection.
The Museum was founded in 1897 by Amy, Eleanor, and Sarah Hewitt—granddaughters of industrialist Peter Cooper—as part of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. A branch of the Smithsonian since 1967, Cooper-Hewitt is housed in the landmark Andrew Carnegie Mansion on
Fifth Avenue
in New York City. The campus also includes two historic townhouses renovated with state-of-the-art conservation technology and a unique terrace and garden.
Cooper-Hewitt’s collections include more than 250,000 design objects and a world-class design library. Its exhibitions, in-depth educational programs, and on-site, degree-granting master’s program explore the process of design, both historic and contemporary. As part of its mission, Cooper-Hewitt annually sponsors the National Design Awards, a prestigious program which honors innovation and excellence in American design. Together, these resources and programs reinforce Cooper-Hewitt’s position as the preeminent museum and educational authority for the study of design in the United States.

2 East 91th Street
Moday-Saturday - 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday - 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.

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