Inaugurada em 1886, e depois de 12 meses de trabalho e 60 milhões de reais gastos no restauro, a Miss Liberty foi aberta ao público por um só dia em 2012.
No dia seguinte chegou o furacão “Sandy”e causou grandes estragos. Novas obras de reforma no entorno e nas instalações de energia elétrica... por sorte a estátua não foi danificada. Desde então, esteve fechada.
Hoje ela reabriu com pompa e circunstância.
No local hoje em dia é feita uma intensa vistoria ao
visitante por questões de segurança, e entendam que assim é feito, para que todos possamos ficar tranquilos e aproveitar o monumento.
Garanta o ingresso com antecedência e
chegue cedo!

Statue of Liberty will reopen TODAY ...
...Fourth of July!!!
"The announcement was as dramatic as the setting. Speaking live from the crown of the Statue of Liberty, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced exclusively Friday morning on the TODAY show that the statue will reopen to the public on Independence Day.
“On the Fourth of July, we will open up the Statue of Liberty to the people of America,” Salazar told TODAY co-host Matt Lauer from inside the crown of the iconic symbol of freedom. The interior of the statue that poet Emma Lazarus called “The New Colossus” has been closed since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. (While Liberty Island and the statue’s pedestal were reopened in August 2004, the statue itself has remained off-limits to the public.)
Salazar said that the timing of the statue’s reopening has special significance.
“We’ve been through some very tough times. The economic times we’re going through really call for hope and optimism. Nothing symbolizes hope and optimism in the United States of America the Statue of Liberty.”
Crowning achievement
Salazar said access will be limited to guided groups of 30 visitors at a time. He said some sort of lottery system will determine who gets to go up to the crown. “We’re going to do it in a fair way,” he said. “Everybody will have a chance to get up to the crown.”
The system will operate for two years, he said, after which the statue will be closed down again for renovations to make access to the crown easier and safer. Once those changes are made, 100,000 people a year will be able to climb to the top.
Since being named Secretary of the Interior in January by President Barack Obama, Salazar told Lauer he has been to the crown twice, with the second visit taking place live on TODAY."
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